Keep track of all leads your company is bringing in, move them through the sales process, and know where every lead is at all times. With Precise Builder, keeping a record of communication between your sales rep and the lead has never been easier. You’ll gain insight into trends and overall sales data that you never were able to have before.
Customized kits to calculate all your job costs (materials, labor, equipment, subcontractors, additional costs). You’ll have access to calculate markups to ensure your company is hitting the profit margins needed to flourish.
Easy to create and visually appealing proposals are 1-click away! Tired of trying to recreate your proposals each time you need one? With Precise Builder, you can customize your proposals to fit each job, and update any information needed to help close the deal.
Quickly be able to schedule work and assign staff to jobs. With Precise Builder’s insights, see how over-scheduled or under-scheduled you are and calculate average hours per job to better manage future jobs.
At the end of jobs, compare your estimated costs to actual costs and be able to dive into specific details about each job. Never have to worry again about underestimating your jobs, you’ll now be prepared with all the information needed to accurately estimate job costs.
All your project management needs, simplified under one platform. Create daily logs to stay on top of job sites, punch lists to make sure nothing gets missed, material tracking to see what’s being used, and upload and store all job pictures and files.
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